What are Impact Spotlights?

Impact Spotlights are free monthly events that highlight our community of engineers and the technologies that help them develop solutions to enable a better world.

October 24

November 21

September 26

Smart energy storage

Connected health

Details coming soon!

Smart agriculture &

sustainable farming

Charging stations

In-ground sensors

Voltage monitoring

Machine learning


Standalone energy storage

Agricultural automation

Electric vehicle equipment

Monitoring crop health



October Impact Spotlights



October's Spotlights will showcase open and sustainable solutions and smart energy-related projects and products that have produced tangible results in real-world deployments. 

Battery formation architectures

The role of wide-bandgap devices within ESS architectures

On-grid solar systems

Low, medium and high voltage connectors

Minimize power loss, extend system durability, and enhance efficiency & safety

September Impact Spotlight



September's Spotlights will showcase open and sustainable solutions and smart agriculture-related projects and products that have produced tangible results in real-world deployments. 

Predictive maintenance, such as crop yield analytics

Agricultural robotics and drones

Electrification of equipment

IoT sensors to track crops and cattle

Optimizing water management and energy consumption with AI

Real time collection and analysis of farming data with edge computing

September Spotlight Sponsor

Nordic Semiconductor offers a wide range of wireless IoT connectivity technologies for smart agriculture and farming. Whether you want to monitor crops, soil, weather, irrigation, or locate and monitor animals and farming equipment, Nordic has the complete low power wireless connectivity solution for your needs.

Using the IoT to transform and optimize farming by doing 10x more with 10x less is the only way the world will feed itself sustainably in the years ahead and without destroying the planet. And this is why Nordic is particularly passionate about supporting this fast-evolving sector.

Save the date for Nordic's upcoming smart agriculture webinar on Wednesday, October 23, 2024. Details and registration link can be found below! 

Nordic Smart Ag Webinar

50 Minute Presentation + Demo  | 10 Minute Live Q&A

October 23, 2024


In this live 1-hour webinar, Nordic’s Clay Hine will examine how Smart Ag applies technologies and solutions to more efficient methods of growing and distributing food, optimizing yields and minimizing the resources needed to feed our population.

Featured hardware and software:

  • Bluetooth: nRF5340 DK

Development kit for the nRF5340, a dual-core Bluetooth 5.4 SoC supporting Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth mesh, NFC, Matter, Thread and Zigbee

Development Kit nRF7002 Wi-Fi 6 companion IC

Cellular IoT development kit for LTE-M, NB-IoT, GNSS and DECT NR+

Evaluation Kit for the nPM1300, a highly sophisticated Power Management IC (PMIC) with battery charging and unique system management features

The IoT cloud optimized for ultra-low power Nordic Semiconductor devices

Additional resources:

  • DevAcademy Giveaway

Complete Nordic Semiconductor DevAcademy Courses to be eligible to win Nordic hardware. 

Webinar speaker:

Clay Hine

Business Development Manager, Nordic Semiconductor

Explore Hackster Impact Through the Years

The concept of Hackster Impact came to life in 2017 when we realized that we had the unique opportunity to use our platform as a vehicle to accelerate the #TechForGood narrative, connecting developers to resources and technologies with our industry partners and provide companies the opportunity to showcase the impact of the work they’re doing. 

Since 2017, we have hosted contests and initiatives focused on sustainability and technology to better the planet, including the Elephant Edge contest, partnering with AARP, and working with the UNDP.

Hackster’s inaugural Impact Summit was organized as a free, two-day virtual developer summit focusing the #TechForGood messaging on how to measure, monitor and report on activities impacting Earth’s air and water resources (Impact Summit 2022 playlist). 

Impact Summit returned in 2023, this time focusing on sustainable and resilient cities (Impact Summit 2023 playlist). More specifically, how machine learning, advanced data analytics and IoT in the field can transform the way in which infrastructure, public services, and essential facilities can be more efficiently maintained in urban environments.

In 2024, we are focusing on the most impactful individuals we know: our Hackster community! Join us as we highlight and celebrate sustainable solutions created by Hackster members in our Impact Spotlights.

Thanks to our partners for making Impact Spotlights 2024 possible: